An Ode to Hobbyists

Words and photos by Tino Martirano

This article was originally published in The Goodland Journal Volume 2

Through life we dabble… We try new things, and we test the waters by sticking a toe in. But every so often something special happens and we can’t help but to dive deep.

This my friends, is a hobby and more poetically known as a passion.

Whether it is dirt biking, ice climbing or writing that makes us tick, we tend to look up to professionals who inspire us. We use the same gear, techniques, and even help build cultural trends from the nonchalant “dudeee” to the way we act and dress.

I am here today to celebrate hobbyists, those who thrive between 5pm and 9am and find the sweet spot that we call balance. Balance, to me, is spending time doing what you love and letting that magical feeling spill into the rest of your life. From work to play, everything seems easier when we spend a few hours a week expressing ourselves. 

The professionals keep us going but the people that truly inspire me are the ones working from 9-5 every day that still make the time to chase their hobbies. 

You see, we do not have to trek up the tallest peak for it to matter. We do not need to write a book to enjoy writing, and we certainly do not have to climb without ropes to make something epic. 

Through the day to day, hobbies allow the world to disconnect from pressure, work, stress, and anxiety. They allow us to focus on the present, enjoy the moment, and leave the worry behind. 

And, if you are lucky enough to find yourself slipping into that flow state, recognize it, capture it, and run with it.

You can find more of Santino’s work here.


Stoke Seaker


Progression, Succession, and Some Skiing